What to expect when visiting Wellspring

  If you think you may be pregnant and weren’t expecting it right now, you are figuring out what your next step is. It can be overwhelming to visit a place that you have never been before, so we wanted to share what happens when you come to Wellspring. No insurance required First, all our

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Why do I need an ultrasound if I’m thinking about an abortion?

Think you might be pregnant? Is abortion one of the options you are considering? Having an ultrasound will give you critical information to help you make that decision.  3 reasons to have an ultrasound done: A pregnancy test does not tell you if your baby is in the uterus or ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy is

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Abortion Laws in Nebraska

Each state in the US has different laws regarding abortion. As such, these laws vary from state to state and may be a little confusing. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe, abortion laws haven’t changed in Nebraska. Since Wellspring is in Hastings, Nebraska, here is a brief overview of Nebraska’s abortion laws. If you live

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