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What is a pregnancy center?

You have likely heard the words “pregnancy center” in the last few months. There is a lot of confusion about pregnancy centers online. As you are looking around for options when it comes to unexpected pregnancies, we want to clear up confusion about what to expect when you visit Wellspring.

Why visit a pregnancy center like Wellspring?

Wellspring and other pregnancy centers specialize in helping women navigate unexpected pregnancies. Our staff has a passion to help women in your situation and want to make sure you have accurate information. Having accurate information is crucial to making the best decision for you. We don’t profit from your visit and all services you receive at Wellspring are at no cost to you.

What do I do first?

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering abortion, your first step is to schedule a confidential, no cost appointment at Wellspring. Use our scheduler to view upcoming appointment times. If none of those work for you, text us at 402-984-8416 to request help making an appointment that fits your schedule.

What happens at when you visit Wellspring?

You can expect caring, non-judgmental, and professional staff. We know that this time in your life brings a lot of emotions and issues that you need to deal with in a safe space. Wellspring’s volunteers will give you the most accurate information about your options for parenting, abortion, and adoption. You will not be pressured towards a particular decision. At each pregnancy appointment, staff will perform a lab grade pregnancy test, STD test, and if needed, an ultrasound. Based on your situation and needs, you may be offered additional resources and information. Each woman has a unique situation and the staff can assess what is most helpful to each woman.

Each staff providing medical services has an active license in the state of Nebraska and is either an RN, APRN, or PA. Additionally, we have a medical director who guides and approves all medical procedures at Wellspring. Additionally, a board certified radiologist reviews each ultrasound to verify accuracy. You can be assured that you will receive the same quality of care as you would at any other health care provider in the Hastings area. We allow enough time for the appointment for you to ask whatever questions you need to be able to make the right decision for you.

What happens after your appointment?

We know that after coming to Wellspring, you may not be ready to decide. That is normal and completely ok. If that is the case, our staff will ask your permission to stay in contact with you either at a follow up appointment or via phone or text. We want you to know that you are not alone as you work through your situation and further support is just a phone call away.

